Are you looking for a way to get out of your student loans? or
Reduce them to a minimum amount?
If so, we can help you.
Yes.. But there are options... You are not alone in this journey.
Student loan forgiveness is a release from having to repay federal student loans—in full or in part—that have been borrowed to pay for a postsecondary education. Student debt has reached an all-time high in the U.S., with an estimated 43 million Americans each owing an average of nearly $40,000
We have years of experience in this industry. We know the steps that must be taken so that your monthly student loan payments are considerably reduced.
We can find a way to consolidate all the student loans you have purchased. We negotiate with the lenders and get you a correct and consolidated interest.
Currently there are multiple federal programs that support students with student loans. We help you identify each one of them so that you can take advantage of them.
ASF Assistance works with thousands of students to determine the most efficient repayment option available. By working with students, we are able to match them to programs that are provided by the U.S. Department of Education. These programs offer many alternatives to your standard repayment option typically offered to you by your bank or private service provider
Our team of trained personnel which includes Credit Managers and Processors will complete and submit your application to the Department of Education. With us, you’ll not only save time and money by getting your student loan consolidation & enrollment paperwork completed, but you will also have peace and mind knowing, it was done correctly and that this is the most efficient repayment option available to you.
With just one phone call, our Credit Manager will be able to acquire an approval with one of the Department of Education’s programs. Our goal is to insure that the repayment option selected is the most beneficial to you and your needs.